Endurance Estates and Marshall Group Property have submitted a planning application for 1200 new homes and associated development on land north of Cherry Hinton, Cambridge.
Robert Marshall, Group Chief Executive of Marshall has said:
"We are delighted to bring forward proposals for the development of Land North of Cherry Hinton. Just as with our development at Wing (North of Newmarket Road), we remain committed to the highest standards of design.
In combination with the Wing Development, we believe the schemes will bring positive change to East Cambridge - centred on the delivery of around 2,500 homes. This proposal has great potential - to deliver housing of a mix and type of tenure, new open spaces for people to enjoy, a community hub to help integrate Cherry Hinton old and new, schooling for children form early years through to secondary school, improved transport links to Cambridge (and beyond) and most importantly we want to word towards creation of a place that people will enjoy - for living, working, learning, resting and for play.
We are passionate about ensuring the scheme works for new residents and existing communities alike an welcome and value your views on our proposals."
Tim Holmes, Managing Director of Endurance Estates added his comments:
“Endurance Estates is pleased that a major milestone has been reached, through the submission of this outline planning application, for an exciting new development in east Cambridge.
Given our experience working on the Orchards Green development in Ely, comprising 1200 new homes a new primary school and associated facilities, we fully understand that the development of a new neighbourhood at Land North of Cherry Hinton must be sustainable and of high quality. We aim to ensure that the new community becomes an integral part of Cherry Hinton, recognising its local context and respecting its history.
The submission of this application follows an extensive period of pre-application consultation with the Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and the local community. We would like to thank everyone for their input to date and look forward to working with our partners during the determination of the planning application. We are excited at the prospect of delivering a great new place.”